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that‘s in the hope that everyone
伴着希望  detail>>
hope everyone pass the exam
希望每个人都能通过这个考试  detail>>
 pron.  =everybody.  detail>>
with everyone
劲往一处使  detail>>
a hope
长江7号 长江七号 江七  detail>>
 n.  霍普〔姓氏,女子名〕。  n.  1.希望 (opp. despair); (有信心的)期望,愿望 (opp. fear...  detail>>
hope for
对…希望 希望(某事发生),希望有 希望希望有 想要某物  detail>>
in hope of
抱着……的希望  detail>>
in the hope of
怀着……的期望 怀着…的希望 怀着希望 希望  detail>>
in the hope that
怀着...的希望, 希望能.. 希望能  detail>>
is hope then
这下子可有盼头了there  detail>>
of hope
希望  detail>>
with the hope of
带着…的希望  detail>>
a toast everyone
敬大家一杯酒  detail>>
and everyone is singing
每个人都在歌唱  detail>>
be equal to everyone
大家马儿大家骑  detail>>
be the admiration of everyone
人人称羡  detail>>
everyone a publisher
人人都是出版家  detail>>